The Spark 2019 program will run approximately October 1, 2019 to June 15,
Spark will invite approximately 35 highly motivated students ranging from ages 14 to 23 who aspire to be future innovators and leaders in charities, social enterprises, philanthropic foundations, development offices, and in the government, financial institutions and businesses that interact with them.
The qualities sought include academic achievement, creativity, demonstrated initiative and good interpersonal skills.
Our objective is to Encourage, Engage, Empower & Educate the students on the important and rewarding aspects of philanthropy, and on socially responsible investing worldwide. Enormously beneficial to participants will be the recognition of the history of philanthropy, the top philanthropic foundations in the world, and how philanthropy is cultivated across different cultures.
We intend to develop a high-level curriculum on surrounding global affairs,
social politics and the economics of philanthropy to implement into academic institutions.
We will expose the students to a series of seminars before leading them to
activate their very own personal philanthropic portfolio. This is the single most important exercise that will help them realize their ongoing purpose and Spark will help them curate, measure and manage their objectives for value and impact.