Spark 2019 Dubai Summit

From October 26th to November 1st students of the Spark Philanthropy Program had the unprecedented experience of visiting of one today’s leading foreign aid donors, the United Arab Emirates, and learning from pinnacle models for sustainable philanthropy in the sectors of health, education, humanitarian-aid, and entrepreneurship and innovation.
The innovation, openness and commitment to the collective future of youth experienced by Spark in the UAE was unparalleled, allowing our students to become global citizens with the ability to create lasting positive change on an international scale. We created the Spark Foundation because we believe the most important investment we can make is not in any particular cause but in our youth. We are working to cultivate the next generation of leaders that share the common objective of enhancing society. From the passion, fierce intelligence and raw talent displayed by our students on this our second global summit, we have no doubt that this group will shape the future in a meaningful way.

Spark students now have the opportunity to participate in annual Spark Summits which include unparalleled opportunities and experiences. Spark inaugural summit to New York and Washington, DC allowed 53 participants to interact with renown philanthropists, world leaders and government officials to discuss the scope of global challenges and opportunities to solve them.